Monday, August 16, 2010

Kahuna's Day Off or Deen does Technology

I agree with Alan November that Technology is not being used to its full potential by schools. Secruity concerns and the bad elements of life have handcuffed students into using technology mostly as a research tool. If there was away to use social networking in a protected environment that would allow students to share, brainstorm, and communicate with other students throughout the world what a rich learning place the classroom would be.

I am also a firm believer in the model where the teacher is not the "Master of the Universe". Allowing students to come up with their own research projects is a great idea that fosters creativity, independent thinking and builds self-confidence.

I think it is time for another technology revolution. Just a few short years ago technology advocates were worried that we would stifle the Internet  because of controls. It seems that this has come to past. If we want to teach our students to be free thinkers and create new technologies and new ways to use the technologies we have to throw of the chains and find ways to let our kids create.